IS: 4410(Put XV/See 3) .1917 Indian Standard (Reaffirmed 2001 ) GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATING TO RIVER VALLEY PROJECTS PART XV CANAL STRUCTURES . Section 3 Flume. ( First Reprint OCTOBER 1991 ) UDC 001.4:627.81:626.861 @ Copyright 1977 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN. 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG Iff!fIN DEUfI 1100l1l Gr1 JUIU 1977 IS : 4410 ( Part XV 1 Sec 3 ) .1911 Indian Standard GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATING TO RIVER VALLEY PROJECTS PART XV CANAL STRUCTURES Section 3 Flumes Terminology Relating to River Valley Projects Sectional Committee, BDe 46 Chqimum SliRJ ReftrlSDllin, I. p. KAPILA Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab, Chandigarh Beas Design Organization (Ministry oflrrigation & Power). Nangal Township IrriJ:ation & Power Department, Government of Maharasbtra, Bombay (AltmuJle) SHBJ MnnbwJ B. S. BHALLA CHJD' ENOINBER SHRJ V. S. GUPTI: ENGINEEr. ( D) CHID Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab, Chan«.\igarh . Public Works Department, Government of Andbra Pradesh, Hyderabad DmB(:TOa ( W. R ) (Altmtale ) CDJID' ENGINEER SUPlllUNTlINlHNO EN 0 J NEil: n ( All'TfI4Ie ) CBIID' ENOlNBBa . Public Wm'b Department, Tamil Nadu, Madral EN 0 J 11 EBB Government of SUPEIllNTIlNDJNO ( AllnJl4l, ) SDRI S. M. DEB DBl'UTY SURVBYOR G~ERAL I Irrigation and Water Works Department, Government of Weat Bengal, CalcutIa Survey oCIndia,Dehra Dun Irrigation Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal l>B:PuTY DIlUl:C'rOB (T & P} ( AllnJl4ll ) DJREC'rO:R ( CDO ) DJ:RBOTOB(IRaJOATJON RdJUReR } (AllnJl4ll) ( wlIlinwd all pa" 2 } @ C¥Jri,,,, 1977 : . ...., BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Thia publicatioo il protected under the ~lIua Cef1.1ri,1a ..t&I (XIV of 1957) and reproductinn in whole «in part by lUIy meana esccpt with wrint:n permiuioD of the pllbwher .hall be deemed to be IUl balHngemellt of copyrigbt under the laid Act . IS 14410 (Part XV/Sec 3 )-1977 ( C.ntinutd [rom page 1 ) Members DIR F:l:TOR ( HYDROLOGY) . SIlIU N. K . DWIVEOI DR R. C. Hoox JOINT COlllMISSIONEB ( S. C) SURI G. PANT SURI R . P. SINon ( AllenuJte) SHSI ReprUlfllUlI Central Water Coaunwion, New Delbi Irrigation Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow In personal capacity (M 18, NIW Dtlhi &.til EzttnsiDn, Pa,' II, NfUJ Delhi 11(}(H9 ) Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, New Delbi Geological Survey of India, Calcutta Irrigation lit Power Department, Government of Orissa, Bhubaneshwar Indian Institute ofTechnologv, New Delhi UniversitY of Roorkee, Roorkee Director General, 1St ( &-tJjJimJ Mm.) S«rttaries R. K. SARU DR P. P. SEHGAL SUItI D. A.JITBA SIMBA, Director ( Civ Engg) . PROF S.~RAN.Jl'l' SINGH G. R.uuN Deputy Director (Civ Engg) , lSI SURI SHIn V. KALYAIU8UND.uLUI Assistant Director ( Civ Engg ), lSI Panel for Glossary of Terms Relating to Canal Structures, BDC 46: PI CDrwmu SIlRI V. K. JOSHI ·Members G . SBTRUBAIUN ( Central Water Commission. New Delhi SIlKI Shri V. K. Joebi) Cs.utr AI,,,,..,, to Public Worb Department, Government of Tamil Nadu,Madru Irrigatioa Department, Government of Punjab. Chandigarh ENGINUR ( IRRIGATION) SIINIOB DEPUTY CmD ENGmEIm ( IRRIGATION) (Al'"",,,) SOl B. N. GUPTA 111441' (Put XV/lee 3 ). 1m Indian Standard GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATING TO RIVER VALLEY PROJECTS PART XV CANAL STRUCTURES Section 3 Flum.. o. FOREWORD 8.1 This Indian Standard (Part XV/Sec 3) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 31 March 1977, after the draft finalized by the Terminology Relating to River Valley Projects Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. 0.2 A number of Indian Standards have been published coveJjng various aspects of river valley projects and a large number of similar standards are in the process of formulation. These standards include technical terms, the precise definitions of which are required to avoid ambiguity in their interpretation. To achieve this end, the Institution is bringing out IS: 4410 · Glossary of terms relating to river valley projects' which is being published in parts. This part contains definitions of terms relating to flumes. 03 This part (Part XV) covers the important field of canal structures and in view of the vastness of this subject, this is being covered in different sec6ons. Other sections in the series will be the following: Section I General terms Section 2 Transitions Section 4- Regulating works Section 5 Cross drainage works Section 6 Other structures been given to co-ordination among the standards and practices prevailing in ~c:rent countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field in this ~try. This has been met by deriving assistance from the following publications: ~ter:national !W In ~e form~on .of this standard due: weightage has United Nations. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. GJOlISary of hydrologic terms used in Asia and the Far East. 1956. 3 IS. 4410 (Part XV/Sec 3).tm India. International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage. Multilingual technical dictionary on irrigation and drainage. 1967. India. Central Board of Irrigation and Power. Glossary of irrigation and hydro-electric terms and standard notations used in India. 1954· .Manager of Publications. Delhi. ASCE. American Society of Civil Engineers. Nomenclature for hydraulics. 1962. New York. 0.... 1 AU the definitions taken from ·Multilingual technical dictionary on irrigation and drainage' are marked with asterisk ( · ) in the standard. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard (Part XV/Sec 3) covers the definitions of the terms relating to flumes. 2. FLUMES 2.1 Beach - A step cut into a hillside to support bench flumes. 2.2 Bench Flame- - A flume supported on a shelf or a bench, cut in a hillside or built around mountain slopes or set on ground. 2.3 Bos Flume- - A flume of rectangular cross section. 2.4 Catenary Flame - A suspended Burne with cross section conforming to a hydrostatic catenary. 2.S Control Flume or Critical Depth FJDlDe - A flume containing a constriction which causes the flow to change from sub-critical to super-critical and in which the measurement of one water level, the upstream one, facilitates calculation of the discharge (see Fig. I ). ~~~ZZZIZZZZ1ZI} FlO. ~EL I STANDING WAVB FLUME 4 1S.....I0 (Part XV/Sec 3) .1977 2.6 Coatrol Secdoa - The section orreacb of. flume- (or open conduit or stream channel) at which the water level is a stable index of the discharge. 2.7 Elevated FIUID.- - A flume built and supported above ground or depressions on trestles, pieri or piles. 1.8 FlUIDe - A complete and independently supported. artificially constricted waterway used to carry water across depressions or over difficult terrain, or when other reasons make the construction of a normal conveyance channel or conduit impractical or uneconomical. Flumes are sometimes constructed for measurement of flow. 2.9 Flamed S ~ · a) A hydraulic structure built in a stream or a channel with contracted waterway, for example, a flumed bridge, flumed fall, or Burned aqueduct. b) A hydraulic structure with contracted width or waterway for measurement of discharge flowing in channels. c) An artificial water channel in a laboratory used for model tests. 2.10 FlamiAg- The purposeful reduction of waterway of a channel below the normal either by a flume or a flumed structure. 2.11 FlamiDI Rado· - The ratio of the clear waterway at the throat of a flume or #Iumed structure to the normal channel width (see Fig. 2) . B i} Lined ftuming ratio = B+ nO _~t.... ._ ii) Unlined Buming ratio = -~ .Ii+nD Flc.2 Ft.UMINO RATtO FOR LINED AND U~UHED CANALS 5 1I 1.( XV'. . 3).tm 2.12 W. 0Mab ......... -A replaIar uvial for .. coa&rol section a ftumcd weir. 2.13 ing run-oft' from mW1 water-abedJ. s........- A preca1ibrated Sow meuuriDc device, UIed {or IDeMW'- at aU pointa proportional to the diataace below the horizoDtalline,joiniDf ita aupportL The abape which a ftume teDdI to .-ume whea canyiaj 2.14 B~cadc ea....r,. I.f. ria _ . . . . . . -1"he cane auumed by a noa-esterllibJe but 8e:aible cord when IUbject to a DanDa1 bel water. 2.15 _ 2.16 y An' improved type of PanhaU ftume, which eliminates the sho" rise at the end ot.he dip below the throat aDd provides a stilling pool (or the hydraulic jump at the required place. An improved veaturi ftume tID meuure the Row o( water in open conduita. lt conailu aamtiaUy of a contracting length, a throat and an expanding length. ,,_e- n-.-&. u. 2'.11 PanIIaIJ II......... .....- 2.11 aapW Flow Flame - A meter flume in which the rate of Row is propornona! to the square-root of the head in the upstream leCtion. Venturi flume under the super-critical flow conditioDi is one of iu typea. 2.19 Rapid Flow Veatari FllUlle - S" 2.11. 2.20 aatiaa Flame - S" 2.5. 2.21 StaacUaS Wave Flame - Sit 2.5. 2.22 Stave - Each of the narrow Itrips of wood or metal platet, placed longitudinally edge to edge, to form the periphery of a flume. 2.23 Top Tie - A bar at the top of a flume section and shaped near the ends in order to hold the edges of the flume in position. 2.24 Traaqail Flow Fl1lllle - A meter flume in which the rate of flow is proportional to the square-root of the difference between the upstream head and throat depth. Venturi flume under the sub-critical flow conditioDi is one ofits types. 2.25 TraaqaiJ Flow Veatarl FI1UIle- S" 2.24. 2.26 Trestle Flame - A flume constructed on trestles. 6 IS I 4410 ( Part XV/Sec 3). J.fJT1 '1.27 VeDt1ll'i Flame- A Bume containing a constriction which, in subcritical flow, causes an increase in velocity and consequent fall in water level; the measurement of the water levels at the constriction and upstream of it facilitates calculation of the discharge ( III Fig. 3 ). 2028 Yo'" - Frames of rods and top-ties in a wooden stave Bume, spaced at suitable intervals to keep the flume section in position. Flo. S VENTURI FLUME 7 BUREAU Headquaners: OF 'NDIAN STANDARDS Manak Bhavan. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. NEW DELHI 110002 Telegrams: Manaksanstha Telephones: 331 01 31. 3311376 ( Common to all Offices) Regiona' Offices: TelfJphone Central : Manak Shavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. {331 01 31 NEW DELHI 110002 l331 1376 ·Eastern : 1/14 C. I. T. Scheme VII M. V. I. P. Road. 362499 Maniktoia. CALCUTIA 700054 Northern : SCO 445-446, Sector 36-C, 21843 CHANDIGARH 160036 3 1641 4 1 2442 Southern : C. I. T. Campus. MADRAS 600113 41 25 19 { 41 2916 fWestern : Manakalaya. E9 MIDC. Marol, Andheri (East). 6329295 BOMBAY 400093 Sranch Offices: 'Pushpak'. Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, ( 2 63 48 1 2 63 49 AHMADABAD 380001 tPeenya lndustrial ,Area 1st Stage, Bangalore Tumkur Road {38 49 65 BANGAlORE 660058 l38 49 56 6 67 16 Gengotr i Complex. 5th Floor. Bhadbhada Road. T. T. Nagar. BHOPAL 462003 Plot No. 82/83. lewis Road. BHUBANESHWAR 751002 63627 63/6. Ward No. 29. R.G. Barua Road, 6th Byelane, 331 77 GUWAHATI781003 6-8-56C L. N. Gupta Marg ( Nampallv Station Road ). 231083 HYDERABAD 500001 63471 R14 Yudhister Marg. C Scheme. JAIPUR 302005 { 69832 21 6876 117/418 B Sarvodava Nagar. KANPUR 208005 { 21 8292 Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 62305 T.C. No. 14/1421. University P.O.· Palayam [62104 TRIVANDRUM 695035 \621 17 Inspection Office' ( With Sale Point ): 26171 Pushpanjali. First Floor. 205-A West High Court Road, Shankar Nagar Square. NAGPUR 440010 . Institution of Engineers ( India) Building, .1332 Shivaji N.agtr, 52436 PUNE 411005 1 -Sa'·· Off/c. in Calcutt. i. at 6 Chowringh.. Approach. P. O. "rincap 27 88 00 Str..r. Calcutt. 700012 t5al·· Office in Bombav II at Noveltv Chlmbefl, Grant 89 8528 Bombay 400007 . . :5a181 Office in Blngalore il It unitv Building. NlrlslmhlraJa Squire. 2236 71 Bangllore 560002 Reprography Unit. BIS. New Delhi, l~dia